We have the following vacancies under the Community Employment (CE) Programme:
1 - Environmental Workers
The job includes a variety of work in the general maintenance and repair of facilities, walkways, equipment etc. general maintenance and repair sheds/stores, grounds/pitches walkways canal banks, etc. keeping all places in clean and orderly manner including collecting rubbish, mowing, trimming, weeding, aerating and fertilizing; replace plants as needed; Maintain grounds, maintenance equipment; trim tree branches that create hazardous situations.
2 - Office Administrator
The job includes a variety of office tasks in conjunction with the CE Supervisor (Irene)
General Information:
Eligibility to participate on Community Employment (CE) programme is generally linked to those who are 21 years or over and in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for 1 year or more, or 18 years and over for certain disadvantaged groups. Your eligibility will have to be verified by the Department. 19.5 Hours per week. Payment is dependent on circumstances. Minimum €230.50 P.W i.e. €11.82per hour
These are developmental opportunities, no experience necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support your career.
If you are interested, or know anyone who may be interested, please call Irene on 0879736022
Anyone on a reduced rate of SW is immediately increased to €230.50 minimum and keep their secondary benefits.
These are ideal opportunities to gain valuable work experience and complete any training of your choice.
A video on CE can be seen in the ‘What’s Going On’ section of the JobsIreland website, click here. Tagged under CE Community Employment jobs vacancy
October 2022 – Longford Slashers C.E. Vacancies